Scottish-British writer Johann Hari draws attention towards the depression and argues the ‘War on Drugs’ immortalizes the cravings of narcotics from his books. His books are one of the New York Times bestselling books that have received the praise from the likes of Elton John, Tucker Carlson, Hilary Clinton, and several top figures.
His book Chasing the Scream adapted a non-fiction documentary series while Lost Connections got translated into 17 different languages. Besides being an author, Johann was a journalist who worked with The Huffington Post and The Independent.
Gay Johann’s Connections With War On Drugs
Johann’s quest for War on Drugs inaugurated due to his peculiar reason. The New-York time bestselling book author penned an article on in January 2015 where he revealed how his sexuality as a gay familiarizes his approach towards drugs.
When the Glasgow native got older, he realized why he was not able to wake up one of his relatives. His family had a drug addiction, and Johann himself had an on-and-off relationship with his ex-partner who was falling into the abyss of crack addiction.
During an interview with Daily Beast in 2015, Johann further unveiled that he was once addicted to the Schedule IV controlled drug, Provigil and had experimented with ecstasy and cocaine. His interest in writing about the ‘War On Drugs’ started when he learned about the drug addiction of his family. Moreover, his ex-partner’s case fueled him to author the book regarding narcotics.

Though the 39-year-old writer was once in a relationship with his gay partner, he is now relishing a single life.
How Much Is Johann Hari’s Net Worth?
Johann, 39, garners the net worth from his career as a Swiss-British writer and journalist. According to Payscale, a writer in the United Kingdom earns an average salary of £30,000 and their income varies between the amount of £14,500 to £75,000. The author has penned the best-selling books like ‘Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs’ and ‘Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions.’
As a journalist, Johann got accused of plagiarism to a level that his 2008 Orwell Prize got officially revoked due to his plagiarized contents. He has written for the publications like The Huffington Post and The Independent. Due to his work in journalism, the Glasgow native has secured his name as ‘National Newspaper Journalist of the Year’ twice, ‘Cultural Commentator of the Year’ and during the Comment Awards, he got his name carved as ‘Environmental Commentator of the Year.’
Short Bio
Born as Johann Eduard Hari on 21 January 1979, Johann Hari is a native of Glasgow, Scotland. As an infant, the Swiss-British writer moved to London with his family. His father was a Swiss whereas his mother was a Scottish. At a young age, Johann got physically abused while his mother was ill and his father was away.
Johann stands at the decent height and holds British nationality. He attended Woodhouse College in London, England before completing his school education from the John Lyon School. As per wiki, the Lost Connections author graduated with a double first in social and political sciences from King’s College, Cambridge in 2001.